At Toronto Beach Dental, the office of Toronto dentists Dr. Jay Rabinovich, Dr. Lawrence Alber, Dr. Ji-Hae Kim, Dr. Janette Macdonald, Dr. Melinda Ford, Dr. Krystyna Cowan and Dr. Maayan Inger. Our dentists in Toronto strive to provide you with the best dental care in a relaxing, comfortable environment.
From complete dentistry for your family to creating the smile of your dreams, our dentists near you has the skills, knowledge and tools to exceed your expectations.
The experienced team of dentists near you at our Toronto dental office is pleased to offer our patients a complete range of dental services including Zoom! Teeth Whitening, Invisalign Teeth Alignment, Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneers, Sport Mouth Guards, Snap-on Smile, Dental Appliances to help reduce snoring, Oral Cancer Screenings, Dental Cleanings and more. Please do not hesitate to book a consultation with our dentist in Toronto today!