Spires Dental Clinic – Best Dental Clinic in Lichfield set up a brand spanking new dental practice, to look after our clients in the way we knew best. Through pure serendipity we found each other and forged a great team, Simon is our clients’ best friend and makes sure they are catered for in every way, Tina is a nursing “nut” and disinfects everything that moves (including us sometimes), and Beth keeps our systems working in-between nursing. And Stuart
Since the early days we have recruited fantastic dental hygienists who provide our clients with a very high level of gum care.
Over time we are becoming more and more convinced that our way of doing dentistry is the right way… our clients see us less, need less dentistry and are becoming friends of the practice.
… well he just loves dentistry!
We offer a membership scheme that encourages maintenance of your dental health so you have the peace of mind that essential regular preventive care is budgeted for.
No. We recommend that every patient join the Membership Plan as soon as possible. Unlike other dental plans the state of your mouth is not assessed for past disease or any outstanding treatment beforehand.
Like much of what we do our membership plan is bespoke to you. We do not try and pigeon hole you into one regime.
Following your initial consultation with one of our dentists we will establish how much support you will require to keep moving your mouth towards health. We will then work out the cost of this support, apply your 10% saving and arrange for it to be paid monthly.
On your annual visit we will be able to see how much healthier your mouth is getting and reduce the support you need as well as the monthly membership fee’s you pay.