Bleachorexia: A Serious Disorder Which Destroys Your Teeth
Bleachorexia may sound harmless to you, but a recent study have shown it’s a very serious disorder. People who feel like the color of their teeth have lost its natural white color and bleach their teeth over and over are said to have bleachorexia. A dentist invented the term a few years ago when he started noticing patients are coming in over and over for bleaching treatments. The patients teeth were already in bad shape as a result of the over bleaching. Bleaching gel is pretty inexpensive and easy to find. Bleaching gels are made from a peroxide solution that can be applied in several different ways. It also can be put into a bleaching pen and applied with the pen. When a person has bleachorexia they usually use home bleaching kits several times a week and see the dentist for more in-depth bleaching on a regular basis. But the overexposure to harsh bleaching gels and additives in home bleaching kits can destroy teeth.
The Damages Caused by Over Bleaching
Majority of the people who suffers from bleachorexia thinks that their teeth are never white enough, so they keep bleaching. But as they keep bleaching the enamel of the tooth is worn away. That results in exposing the inner part of the tooth. The inner part of the tooth is naturally a yellowish color. When the person sees their teeth as being yellow they bleach again, which just makes the problem worse. Eventually the teeth become so weak and broken down that they crumble or fall part. Then the person has to endure root canals, crowns, and even implants just to fix the damage.
Bleachorexia on the Rise
According to dentists that specialize in cosmetic dentistry, bleachorexia is on the rise. These days everyone wants to have sparkling white teeth. There is so much pressure on people to look great all the time these days that people are going to extremes bleaching their teeth constantly. In the era when selfies are popular and posting photos of yourself is expected everyone wants to look camera ready all the time. Having a white smile is expected, so people do whatever they can to make their smile look great. Unfortunately all that bleaching can destroy natural teeth. Using a natural tooth whitening product and using it responsibly is the best way to whiten teeth without causing massive damage to your teeth.
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